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Beginner’s Guide to Bounce Rate – Everything You Need to Know about It

Beginner’s Guide to Bounce Rate – Everything You Need to Know about It

New Vision Digital Published : Mar 21, 2024

If you are new to the digital realm then you might be confused with the Google analytics report.Let’s take a brief guide through bounce rate and everything about it that one should be aware of. Bounce rate is essentially a report that consists of the percentage of visitors to your website and represents how many people land on your website and left without clicking on other tabs. Many of you get confused with Bounce and Exit which is common.Well, an Exit is when someone leaves a specific page but Bounce is when a person visits your website and then leaves immediately. Let’s understand this in the simplest way if 50 people land on your website but only 25% of them clicks on others pages on your site and rest just leave. Thus, 75% is your bounce rate and 25% is your exit rate.

If you are experiencing high bounce rate then the following factors will help the bloggers in figuring out where they are making a mistake:

Website takes time in loading:

Those heavy web pages take more than 5-6 seconds to load and that’s where you lose your visitors as people are not so patient. It will benefit you if you keep your website light and decent so that your visitors will stay and read your informative content.

Avoid a single page site:

This might seem odd but a single page site can be unhealthy for your business as firstly, when you put all the information, photos, and videos on one page it will take a lot of time to load and secondly, It will leave an impact on your SEO ranking as you won’t be able to embody blogs and content in a single page.

Demode website design:

Believe it or not, but outdated design can really leave a bad impression on your visitors making them think that your company is not up-to-date and they close your website right away. Thus, it is important for you to design a stylish yet decent looking template and website.

Avoid writing lousy headlines:

It is very important for you to write an eye-grabbing headline and also make sure that your body content is connected to the title otherwise it will just misguide your readers and it will impact your credibility as well as the bounce rate.

Build a satisfactory interlink structure:

When you post blogs on your website it is beneficiary for you to add internal links in your blog as there might be some other blog on your web page that is relevant to your blog. Also, make sure that your content is relatable and readable as you wouldn’t want your readers to miss any of your blogs.

Reports of Google analytics are misunderstood often and thus, blending your strategic thoughts and technical execution will enable you to understand your website’s performance. Once you comprehend bounce rate in Google analytics, you can improvise your website as per the reports to control the bounce rate. There are various companies that help you with dealing such digital dilemma and advice you with the best solutions. At New Vision Digital you can avail excellent digital marketing services in order to see growth in your sales and business charts. There is a lot more for you at our station to improve your business.